
Presenting the original ideas, expression, and work of someone else with no or insignificant change is termed plagiarism and it is more offensive when no credit or attribution is given.

It is easy to copy and paste information into assignments, and when you are under pressure and facing intensive deadlines it can be very tempting to do so. However, such methods are intrinsically dishonest, and as such the penalties for plagiarism at the University are severe. You must also be careful to avoid plagiarizing unintentionally. This can happen if you are unaware of the rules for academic writing.

Three basic skills essential for avoiding plagiarism are:
Quotation, paraphrasing, and summarizing: If you use the words of someone else directly, you must indicate this through proper use of quotation. Directly quoted text should be used sparingly. It is almost always better to paraphrase (i.e. put into your own words) the ideas of others. Apart from being more interesting to read, properly paraphrased ideas show your reader that you have mastered the material. Another important skill is the ability to summarize lengthy texts into a few sentences. Again, such summaries should be in your own words.
Citing sources: When quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, you need to consistently follow the rules of a particular citation style. There are many different styles, so check with your faculty if you are not sure which style to use for a particular assignment or research paper.

UGC has also issued guidelines for universities to curb plagiarism practices:

UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018


To help the CUTN research community curb plagiarism, Central Library offers Plagiarism Checking services using iThenticate and Ourginal (Urkund) Software. To check the plagiarism and have the similarity report generated, please email us at: mail to: including a soft copy of the document (assignment, article manuscript, thesis/dissertation, etc.) in PDF or DOCX file format.