Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are any type of educational material freely available for teachers and students to use, adapt, share, and reuse.

Examples of OER include learning content (such as lesson plans, assignments, textbooks, exams, and videos) as well as tools for learning (like software for creating videos and websites, course management systems, and training materials).

Click to access OERs:

OER Database

An in-house database compiling OER sites provides searchable access to collections of learning objects. The user can either search by browsing by broader subjects or disciplines.

Directory of OER

Directory of Open Educational Resources (DOER), a structured discovery platform set up by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). DOER has brought most of the OERs available in repositories that are distributed across the Commonwealth region into a structured metadata framework and it exposes the curated metadata to other service providers to enhance visibility.
