Open Access Search Engines
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
BASE is a multi-disciplinary search engine to scholarly internet resources, created by Bielefeld University Library in Bielefeld, Germany.
CiteSeerX is a public search engine and digital library for scientific and academic papers, primarily in the fields of computer and information science.
Education Resources Information Center
The Education Resources Information Center is an online digital library of education research and information.
The single access point to discover and reuse open scholarly Social Sciences and Humanities resources and find peers.
Semantic Scholar is an artificial-intelligence backed search engine for academic publications.
ScienceOpen is freely accessible for all and offers hosting and promotional services within the platform for publishers and institutes.
Scinapse is a free, nonprofit, Academic search engine for papers, serviced by Pluto Network. is a web portal and specialized search engine. Using federated search technology, serves as a gateway to United States government scientific and technical information and research.
ScienceGate is a fast and effective way of finding, managing, and downloading scholarly articles from over 1M sources including 87K journals.
MyScienceWork serves the international scientific community and promotes easy access to scientific publications, unrestricted diffusion of knowledge and open science. Our comprehensive database includes more than 90 million scientific publications and 12 million patents.
JURN: Get the research you need, free. Search millions of free academic articles, chapters and theses.
A citation-based paradigm in biomedical literature search. provides a single point of access to more than 400 high-quality, publicly searchable science and technology collections with a new, robust user interface specifically designed for advanced scientific research. is a global science gateway comprised of national and international scientific databases and portals.